Datasets and Code
This page links to datasets that have been published alongside papers by the Ehlmann Research Group. The original papers should be cited with use of any of these data, and descriptions of the datasets are given within the linked papers.
Spectra and associated lab measurements
- Iron-substituted natroalunite-natrojarosite solid solutions: Spectra
- Spectro-goniometric measurements of granular samples: BAS, BasG1, MGC, NG1, OLV_new
- Image cube of travertine conglomerate sample from Samail Ophiolite, Oman, using Ultra-Compact Imaging Spectrometer (UCIS), EDS-SEM data, XRD data, and sample photographs: CaltechDATA repository
- Pelletized and rock chip samples: LIBS measurementsand thermogravimetric analysis data, data descriptions
Thomas et al. (2018, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets)
- Ammoniated phyllosilicates: Visible-infrared spectra and XRD patterns
- Lucideon and Avian spectral calibration standards for Mastcam-Z calibration target: Spectra
- Lacustrine-volcanic Mars-analog field site: Mars 2020 instrument analog data
- Haughton impact melt rock outcrops and samples: Imaging spectroscopy and XRF data
Greenberger et al. (2020, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets)
- Fe(III)-Fe(II)-Mg-Al smectite solid solutions: Spectra
- Oman Drilling Project core: Shortwave infrared micro-imaging spectroscopy of Holes GT1A, GT2A, and GT3A
Greenberger et al. (2021, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth)
- Mafic and ultramafic rocks in Oman as a Mars analog: Visible and shortwave infrared field and laboratory imaging spectroscopy data
- Probabilistic spectral unmixing: MATLAB scripts
Lapotre et al. (2017, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets)
- Strike and dip determination: Attitude and Orienteer
- Mars atmospheric isotopic evolution: Model software, data files, and model executable
- Workbench for Imaging Spectroscopy Exploration and Research (WISER): WISER website
Pinkston et al. (2021, AGU Fall Meeting), Greenberger et al. (2023, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference)
Geospatial datasets
- Bright spots on Ceres: Catalog and description
- Northeast Syrtis layered sulfates, Mars: CTX elevation models, geologic and topographic maps, and GIS database
Quinn and Ehlmann (2019, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets)
- Megabreccia surrounding the Isidis impact basin, Mars: Properties and orientations
Scheller and Ehlmann (2020, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets)